Sunday 29 May 2016

The Artist "Prince's" time in the Caribbean with BONUS

May he rest in peace!

The Artist, as he re-branded himself while he was alive, had many great years of life, especially at him craft to which he was devoted; his music. However, he also spent some of those years in his Caribbean hideaway, though it was not so hidden, being as it was basically an island and all (LOL).

So, where did The Artist go to get a relaxing dose of Caribbean sun, sand and surf? He went to the majestic island of the Turks and Caicos.

Prince's Caribbean getaway is now valued at an amazing US$12 million dollars for all interested parties. It boasts of 10 beautiful bedrooms, sea views all around, and of course the signature purple driveway. The Artist certainly loved his space as it had more than enough space for him to take a vacation from each room by simply going to another wing of the estate, as it stands at 10,000 square feet. The Artist also loved beaches so much his estate had two (2), just for him and who ever was lucky enough to be there with him as they were private. 

Five Random Facts About "The Artist" formerly known as "Prince"

  1. His actual name is Prince.
  2. He was also a songwriter for a lot of the greats.
  3. He was a Jehovah's witness.
  4. He was born June 7th 1958
  5. He also did films (Purple Rain).

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Beyonce's Caribbean heritage

Photo Courtesy: Atlanta Black

We are sure that most of you have already heard this, but we thought we would share anyway. Does Beyonce hail from a Caribbean heritage, mixed with Creole?

Now, where does it all come from and who gave her what. Let's dig in shall we and discover Beyonce. From her mother, she received the Creole heritage. Creole is a mix of French, African and Caribbean cultures, it can be found anywhere in the world, but predominates in the Caribbean. Beyonce however, received it from Louisiana, the most popular of creole cultures in the United States. Tina Knowles parents were both born in Louisiana and so were their parents (seriously deep creole roots). 

Meanwhile, on her father's side of the fence flows the Caribbean waters....or so any Bahamian would claim. Based on the Bahamian last name "Knowles", it is widely speculated that Beyonce from her father's side could have roots in the Caribbean. However, Mr. Knowles have since denied that, as he is not aware of any direct or indirect family links to the island. 

How sad, we were actually hoping to claim the singer as a pumpkin-vine descendant of the Caribbean. However, this is mostly speculation and has yet to be proven. Until then, let's keep enjoying her hit music and being snooping around her personal life in search of entertainment shall we, lol. 

Don't forget to check out our other posts in our Archives, as well our business blog (The Business Spotlight), and continue to have a great day. 
