Friday 15 July 2016

Must have products for natural hair care!

The natural Hair community survey results are in and these are the most in demand products that are being used to acheive the longest, thickest, strongest, fastest growing natura hair in the community. So we had to share this with our readers, please do the same and be sure to share your results with us!

Hydrating Shampoos Deep Moisturizing Conditioners Deep Penetrating Moisturizers Hydrating Hair oils

Tuesday 5 July 2016

A tribute to one of our favorite Artist we found on Twitter

We are taking sometime out to honor one of our favorite artist that we found on Twitter. We have found many, but this one as of late has stood out to us in all the right ways. So we just wanted to share her with all of our readers, that is, if you aren't already a fan. Below we have highlighted some information about her, and her work, and where you can find her. Do enjoy and feel free to leave her some positive feedback sometime.

Ms Alison Jardine

Bio: Originally from England, but currently resides in Dallas Texas. Her education is based from the University of London, where she attained a Bachelors degree in the Arts and Technology. She then further sharpened her artist chops at the College of Visual Art and Design in the University if North Texas. Amazing education aside, Alison has been churning out artist gems and master pieces for what seems like more than 8 years. 

Her career is forged with a fusion of all genres of artistic skill and material at her studio in Texas. Her material can be enjoyed on her website or where we've been enjoying it on her twitter feed. Alison Jardine was most recently selected as the Summer 2016 west edition of New American paintings with her Urban Flora 1 series- 9 absolutely stunning, rustic pieces that truly take you on a journey through the mind of the Artist herself. Her art is transcending the barriers of what was and paves a way for heightened creativity in the what will be. Whether sculpted from cement, molded from concrete, laid out from cloth, woven from string or simply painted or drawn, and it doesn't stop there, she has a piece that speaks to the artist in all of us. Here's to you Alison Jardine for continuing to keep out twitter feed meaningful.  

If you would like to check out her work, please feel free to check any of her social handles or even her website listed below:

Alison Jardine Website
Alison Jardine Twitter
Alison Jardine Facebook
Alison Jardine Pinterest
